Honest design for a changing world

High performance and resilient approaches

People care and earth care

Elegant, simple, cost-effective

Residential, commercial, ADUs and more

Honest design for a changing world

High performance and resilient approaches

People care and earth care

Elegant, simple, cost-effective

Residential, commercial, ADUs and more
In our work, we are constantly innovating and consistently incorporating sustainable, resilient and cost effective approaches to high performance design that integrate the latest building science. Founded over 30 years ago, Todd Jersey Architecture is an award winning sustainable design firm in the San Francisco Bay Area. Whether a commercial building, historic preservation project, a new home or an ADU, we take the time to think about how a project can and should take care of our clients and the planet, and blend high performance and earth friendly methods and systems with careful attention to budget and outcomes. By skillfully balancing an earth-care mission with project requirements and resource restraint, we deliver cost-effective, high-performance buildings that embody elegance and simplicity.
Our simple and comprehensive design philosophy informs all of our projects.
Shaped by natural light
Gorgeous and carefully detailed
Supportive of the earth and people
Building science informed
Integrated design approach